Nadine M. Nieto |
AREAS OF PRACTICEWork Place Injuries |
Nadine M. Nieto is passionate about helping injured people recover for their physical, financial, and emotional damages. She started her legal career in 1995, and opened her own law firm in 1998, focusing her practice on handling personal injury and wrongful death cases. Ms. Nieto has more than 15 years experience as a trial lawyer. Attorney Nadine M. Nieto and her legal team have handled thousands of cases and recovered millions of dollars for her clients. Put her experience to work for you. For a free, no obligation consultation, contact us today.
The Law Office of Nadine M. Nieto represents people throughout South Texas including San Antonio, Austin, Brownsville, Eagle Pass, Harlingen, Laredo, McAllen, Rio Grande City, Rio Grande Valley and surrounding areas. If you have any questions regarding representation in your city call us at (210) 298-0088.
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